b.../b Carter's bold book labeling the situation in the Occupied Territories "apartheid" and with prestigious professors Walt and bMerscheim's/b exposure in the London Times (it was turned down by the Atlantic Monthly) of the power of the Israeli lobby. b.../b In l948 Menachem Begin organized the dynamiting of the British headquarters in the King David bHotel/b in Jerusalem, killing 88 persons, including 15 Jews. That year also saw the terrorizing of the Villiage of Dier Yassin. b.../b
foto: stefan bmerscheim/b /www.sportbilder-event.de. der lausitzring war bislang entweder ein hort größter triumphe für die freudenstädter ps-lsl-truppe. oder eben ein fiasko. letztes jahr noch holten thomas stoll und thomas rothmund dort b.../b